Our book of sheet music and anthem history—the Star Spangled Songbook—has been published to mark the song’s 201st anniversary!The Star Spangled Songbook tells a largely forgotten story of the United States of America—of the symbiosis of both anthem and nation—in more than seventy songs with full text and performable sheet music. These all-new scholarly editions…
Category: History
Banner Moment #9: August 18, 1969—Hendrix Plays the Anthem at Woodstock
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A Celebration of Two Centuries of a Song — 4PM Live Stream
Two hundred years ago today, the “dawn’s early light” broke over Fort McHenry and illuminated a flag symbolizing resilience and courage. Two hundred years later, the song written by Francis Scott Key in praise of the fort’s defenders still waves over the nation, celebrating the commitment of American citizens to the day-to-day requirements of democracy.Today…
Banner Moment #7—March 3, 1931—Key's Song Made Official U.S. Anthem by Congress
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Banner Moment #6: Jan. 8, 1917—Key's Song Named "National Anthem" of U.S. Military
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Banner Moment #4: Inspiration—Key Witnesses American Victory (& History)
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Banner Moment #1—August 1, 1779—Francis Scott Key is Born
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Music Lesson-Learning about Francis Scott Key and the song The Star-Spangled Banner
Students will be learning about Francis Scott Key, the Battle at Fort McHenry, and the story of the composition of The Star-Spangled Banner. Students will be learning to sing the song, The Star-Spangled Banner through several methods such as listening, repeating the words in rhythm, and reading the words and following along with the music…
Development of American Democracy: An Analysis of the Evolution of American Political Parties to the Anacreon Tune
Development of American Democracy: An Analysis of the Evolution of American Political Parties to the Anacreon Tune AP US History Social Studies Grade Levels (9–12) by Vincent Stewart, Bowie High School The Development of American Democracy Lesson Plan Overview: A student centered activity where students research the development of various American political parties and tell the stories of…
Symbols and Sounds of Freedom
TITLE: Symbols and Sounds of Freedom Primary Subject: Social Studies Secondary Subject: Reading/Language Arts Grade Levels (4–6) Homer L. Thomas, Prince George’s County, MD Short Description: Symbols and sounds convey meaning and often evoke an emotional connection or response. This lesson is designed to help students examine the concepts of freedom and patriotism and…