Banner Moment #4: Inspiration—Key Witnesses American Victory (& History)

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Singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" in Non-Music Classrooms

OVERVIEW by Mary L.Vincent – Monroe Public Schools This lesson series is a compilation of 5 short videos lessons (each approximately 6 minutes long) that help students rehearse singing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”  The videos integrate relevant locations and historical perspectives related to the national anthem. This lesson series also aims to make singing the Star-Spangled Banner…

Spangled Mythconception #2: Key Wrote the Anthem on the Back of an Envelope

Myth #2: Francis Scott Key drafted “The Star-Spangled Banner” on the back of an envelope (or letter) Correction: Most likely Key wrote his draft on a clean sheet of paper using pen and ink While the original working draft of Key’s lyric is lost, envelopes were not commonly used in 1814 and then only by…

Spangled Mythconception #1: Key Was Held Prisoner on a British Ship during the Battle of Baltimore

MYTH #1: Francis Scott Key was held prisoner aboard a British ship during the bombardment of BaltimoreCORRECTION: Key was aboard his own American truce ship during the battleKey and fellow lawyer John S. Skinner, the U.S. Agent for Prisoners of War, sailed from Baltimore on September 5, 1814 on an American truce ship and headed…