We are pleased to provide an ongoing series of Star Spangled Music Editions, with usually free, performance-ready downloadable scores of works connected to the history and legacy of American music and Francis Scott Key’s “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
If you use these scores, we ask that you credit the arranger-editor and the Star Spangled Music Foundation in your program and email info@starspangledmusic.org with an announcement of your performance. If you are interested in posting videos or recordings online, please email us for easy authorization. Also please recommend starspangledmusic.org to friends and colleagues. See the links below for further information about specific works.
P.S. All of our scores are performance tested, but if you have suggestions or find an error please email info@starspangledmusic.org with your comments.
Thank you.
Solo Voice with Optional/Audience Chorus
Our Star Spangled Songbook will be available this summer with a range of historical performance scores. In advance of the anthem’s anniversary, we are making a selection of the most important scores available in free downloadable editions, click here to see the editions now available.
Adams and Liberty (1798)—most popular American parody of the To Anacreon melody and a Federalist Party anthem
— C Major / high voice (click to download)
— Bb Major / medium voice
— Ab Major / low voice
The Anacreontic Song (1775/76)—the source tune for “The Star-Spangled Banner” (i.e., the one that started it all!)
— C Major / high voice
— Bb Major / medium voice
— Ab Major / low voice
Lift Every Voice and Sing (1900, James Weldon and J. Rosamond Johnson)
—“Lift Every Voice and Sing”—Bb Major (High)
—“Lift Every Voice and Sing”—G Major (Low)
The Star-Spangled Banner (1814 1st ed. / Arr. Thomas Carr)
— C Major / High Voice (original key)
— Bb Major / Medium Voice
— Ab Major / Low Voice
The Star-Spangled Banner (Service Version, 1917)
—Bb Major / Medium Voice (solo or duet with concluding chorus)
—Bb Major full SATB Chorus —Ab Major full SATB Chorus
When the Warrior Returns (1805)— song by F.S. Key using the same melody he would use for the Anthem)
— C Major / high voice
— Bb Major / medium voice
— Ab Major / low voice
More vocal scores on the way…
“Historical” SATB Arrangement of “The Star-Spangled Banner”
Arranged 2012 by Ross W. Duffin (click for score)
Note: credit “Arranged by Ross W. Duffin” and please email microloguspress@gmail.com with performance information.
The Star-Spangled Banner (Service Version, 1916)
—Bb Major SATB / Chorus
—Ab Major SATB / Chorus
Festival Overture on the American National Air “The Star-Spangled Banner” (1879) by Dudley Buck (full score and parts). Instrumentation: Picc/2Fl/2Ob/2Cl/2Bsn/4Hrn/3Tpt/3Tbn/Tuba/Timp+2/Strings. Work includes optional chorus. Note that the score is formatted to be printed on either 8 x 10 or easier-to-read 11 x 17 paper. Parts available by emailing info@starspangledmusic.org.
“The Star-Spangled Banner” (1943, rev. 1951) arranged by Arturo Toscanini (full score and parts). Instrumentation: 3Fl/2Ob + EngHn/2CL + BCl/2Bsn + Cbn/3Tpt/3Tbn/Tuba/Timp+2/ Strings. Parts available by emailing info@starspangledmusic.org.
Also see Armed Forces Version (below) as band version has optional string parts.
Armed Forces Band Version with Optional String Parts (see below)
Elementary and Beginning Bands
“The Star-Spangled Banner,” arr. T.J. Wolfgram
Click here for score and parts (new window will open in dropbox)
High School & Collegiate Bands
“The Star-Spangled Banner” Armed Forces Version 1997
Click here (new window will open in dropbox) with optional string parts
Sousa’s Star Spangled Banner and the U.S. Marine Band Version on the way!
The Band Music of Alton Augustus Adams
Marching Band
Full halftime show coming (available September 2014)
Email info@starspangledmusic.org for advance information.