The applause at the end of this highlighs video says it better than words. The Reno Philharmonic Orchestra under Music Director Laura Jackson has commissioned acclaimed composer Michael Gandolfi, designer Anne Patterson, and lyricist Dana Bonstrom to create a work for chorus and orchestra inspired by “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The work titled Chesapeake: Summer of 1814 premiered on March 17, 2013 with resounding success. The full 27-minute choral/orchestral work is now available to orchestras nationally, and a version with reduced performing forces (two vocal soloists instead of a choir) created for youth/school performances will premiere in October 2013. See the Reno Philharmonic’s Chesapeake Page for more information or use the links below.
- Composer Michael Gandolfi’s Chesapeake: Summer of 1814 page
- Reno Phil Project Overview Video
- Reno Phil Highlights Video (shown above)
- Reno Phil Chesapeake Handout
- Reno Phil Audience Comments
- OSayCanYouHear review of premiere
- OSayCanYouHear interview with Anne Patterson
For information on securing performing parts and technical specifications on the optional image accompaniment, contact Tim Young, Reno Phil, president via email to tyoung @ renophil com.