1793—Era & Topic: French Revolution
This is the second known published American lyric.
1. To Genet in New-York, where he reigns in full glee, Some Anti’s have lately prefer’d their petition, That he their Inspirer and Champion would be; When this answer arriv’d from this Chief of Sedition. Of Jay, Wilcocks, and King, Let us make the world ring, I’ll lend you my Pascal, (so fit for the string,) And besides I’ll instruct you how you may convey, All Columbia’s Glory and Freedom away. 2. The news through Columbia immediately flew, Pacificus rose, and thus vented his cares: “If these traitors are suffer’d their schemes to pursue, “Like France we shall soon be a nation of bears: “Hark! already they cry, “In transports of joy, “Away to Genet let us instantly fly— “And this Chief will assist us, that we may convey, “All Columbia’s Glory and Freedom away. 3. “Wealth, Commerce and Peace, which each passing gale courts, “From America then, will instantly go, “Our shores then will boast of but tenantless ports, “And cities all streaming with bloodshed will flow. “But Congress, no fear on’t, “Will soon do their errand, “And smartly will swinge the proud Envoy, I warrant, “And lash those assassins, who’d wish to convey “All Columbia’s Glory and Freedom away. 4. Then Freedom rose up, with her cap and her spear, “And swore, by Columbia she ever would stand, “That her sons should receive not a insult nor sneer, “While her laws should drive Anarchy out of the land: “Then while transports resound, “And Discord’s fast bound, “And American brows are with laurels hung round, “We, free and united, our laws will obey— “And drive from Columbia, the Faction away.” 5. “No, (Justice cry’d out) no, your plan you must alter, “Nor sully your hands with these reptiles so low, “Leave Antis to me, (then producing a halter) “Cry’d, sic evitabile reptis, you know; “Then make use of the string, “For these Antis’ shall swing,[1] “So must all, who disgrace on their country wou’d bring, “And when they’re dispatch’d you triumphant may say, “Peace, Liberty, Laws and Good Order,—huzza?” 6. Ye Columbians so faithful then join heart and hand, Be steadfast, nor fear the dark Jacobin’s rod; ’Tis yours to preserve what your Fathers have plan’d, You’ve the sanction of Freedom, and fiat of God. While thus we agree, Our toast let it be, May our country be happy, united and free.— And long may the sons of Columbia defend— Her Rulers and Laws, ’till with time they shall end. [1] i.e., the traitors must hang
To Genêt in New York
Author Lyricist
Era and Topic
Tune Identified
Columbian CentinelNewspaper: Columbia Centinel, Dec. 4, 1793, page 4
Book Pages
66, 67
Songbook Number
Poets & Patriots Track Number
Track 8