Song for George Washington’s Birthday

1797—Era & Topic: G. Washington

This version is sometimes dated erroneously to 1798

1. When rising from ocean Columbia appear’d,
  Minerva to Jove, humbly kneeling, requested
That she, as its patroness, might be rever’d,
  And the pow’r to protect it, in her be invested.
Jove nodded assent, pleasure glow’d in her breast,
As rising, the goddess: her will thus exprest
“The sons of Columbia forever shall be
“From oppression secure, and from anarchy free.”
2. Rapture flash’d through the spheres as the mandate went forth, 
  When Mars and Apollo, together uniting,
Cried, Sister, thy sons shall be fam’d for their worth,
  Their wisdom in peace, and their valour in fighting; 
Besides, from among them a chief shall arise,
As a soldier, or statesman, undaunted and wise;
Who would shed his best blood, that Columbia might be,
From oppression secure, and from anarchy free.
3. Jove, pleas’d with the prospect, majestic arose,
  And said, “By ourself, they shall not be neglected;
“But ever secure, tho’ surrounded by foes,
  “By WASHINGTON bravely upheld and protected.
“And while Peace and Plenty preside o’er their plains,
“While mem’ry exists, or while gratitude reigns,
“His name ever lov’d, and remember’d shall be,
“While Columbians remain Independent and Free.”

A Song

Author Lyricist

Susanna Rowson, English Actress

Era and Topic


Tune Identified



Federal GalaxyNewspaper: Federal Galazy, March 10, 1797, page 4



Book Pages

72, 270

Songbook Number


Poets & Patriots Track Number

Track 10